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Rádi sportujete ?? Baví vás kolektivní sporty, ale nemůžete najít lidi aby jste si spolu zasportovali ?? Uvítali by jste ametérskou ligu ?? Máte skupinu přátel, se kterou chcete sdílet informace ?? (Potvrzení účasti, příspěvky na nástěnku, zpráva financí atd…

Zábava, sport, životní styl Informační technologie Poradenství, zprostředkování, oceňování
2 000 000 Kč Požadujeme
15 - 35% Nabízíme
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Energy Centre

The Energy Centre project is the top in its class. It is an extraordinary technological and investment project in the waste management and energy industry, which are areas with relatively high return on investment. The operation of the plant does not have a…

Ekologie Elektřina, teplo, plyn, voda, odpady Zemědělství, chovatelství, lesnictví, rybářství
10 000 000 Kč Požadujeme
20% Nabízíme
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Alcohol degustation sets

Our goal is to provide education about premium spirits and show people that it is possible to drink good alcohol for reasonable money – to enjoy the taste and smell of alcohol, to learn to recognize and compare them. We produce degustation sets and boxes with…

5 000 000 Kč Požadujeme
15 - 30% Nabízíme
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Protein fresh bar in a shopping mall

The aim of the project is to create a new form of fast food based on protein drinks available from protein bars. These protein drinks can be combined with fresh fruit or vegetables, cocoa etc. The principle of the bar is to offer customers drinks that are not…

Pohostinství a ubytování Zábava, sport, životní styl Potravinářství
700 000 Kč Požadujeme
35 - 40% Nabízíme
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App to make photos of attractive places easier

We come with an application that gives all smartphone owners the opportunity to take attractive photos of famous and unique places. The user is first of all guided by the GPS to the location and then instructed step by step to get the best picture. However,…

Informační technologie Zábava, sport, životní styl
3 500 000 Kč Požadujeme
15 - 35% Nabízíme
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Revolutionary toilet system

We want to use our patent-protected magnetic joint for connecting the ceramic part of the toilet with plastic seat and cover. The magnetic joint is a no-hinge and non-assembly connection by a magnet. The seat and cover are mounted/dismounted to the toilet by…

Ostatní specializovaná výroba
10 000 000 Kč Požadujeme
0 - 49% Nabízíme
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